Awesome Gifts For Electrical Engineers

Shopping for an electrical engineer can be a bit tricky. On one hand, you want to get them something that they will appreciate and actually use. But on the other hand, you may not know what that entails. And while a “World’s Best Engineer” novelty mug might do the trick, we recommend getting them something unique that celebrates the fact that they are, in fact, the world’s best engineer.
So whether you are shopping for yourself or a loved one, we have curated a list of some of the best gifts for electrical engineers! Let’s go.
Functional Gifts That Promote Productivity
Electricity & Magnetism Hardcover Notebook - Lined/Grid
One of the coolest things about electrical engineers is that they most likely have an appreciation for blueprints, math, science, and all things electric. So why not get a gift that wraps all of those things into one useful lined/grid notebook? This deep blue and yellow Electricity and Magnetism book not only looks the part, but it actually serves a number of purposes. Track findings, record ideas, or simply jot down thoughts with this unique hardcover notebook.
Engineering Plate 3 Pocket Notebooks 4-pack
In an ideal world, the best ideas would come to us while we are sitting at a desk with a pen and notepad, but as you know, that’s not always the case. That’s why we created this 4-pack of Pocket Notebooks that’s perfect for on-the-go engineers. Keep ideas in your back pocket with these engineering-inspired notebooks that contain four different covers.
Equations That Changed The World Yearly Planner
Engineers stay busy and while they probably have a digital calendar to organize their schedules, nothing quite compares to having a physical planner that you can keep on you or at your desk. Maybe it’s because writing something out requires more intention or maybe it’s because it reminds us of a simpler time when physical planners were the norm. Either way, there is something very satisfying about taking a pen to a piece of paper and planning out your day, week, month, and year. This deep blue yearly planner features some of the most famous mathematical equations on the cover, making it one of the top gifts for engineers.
Gifts That Can Be Used Everyday
Rocket Science 18 oz Steel Bottle
Choosing the best gift for electrical engineers can be difficult, but it’s not exactly rocket science. Or is it?
This 18 oz Rocket Science Steel Bottle is more than just a novelty gift. It pays homage to the world of math and science, making it the perfect gift for not only rocket scientists, but for mathematicians, engineers, and teachers as well.
With a textured design for a unique tactile experience, this flask will keep coffee hot or water cold until you’re ready to enjoy it!
Blueprint 20 oz Mug
It is an unofficial scientific fact that everyone loves a good coffee mug, especially when you find the one. As dramatic as that sounds, you know it's true. We all have that one mug that we prefer to drink out of. It doesn’t change the way your coffee tastes, but there’s something about a cool mug that just appeals to the human brain--hey, we don’t make the rules, we just play by them.
So give the gift that keeps on giving with this Blueprint 20oz Mug. Designed with the engineer or architect in mind, this mug features designs and calculations of famous architectural monuments.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Whiskey Glass
Here’s the thing about gifts for engineers: they don’t have to be super specific to their particular field of engineering. Perhaps it’s because their educational background allows us to safely assume that they aren’t just good at math and science, but they actually enjoy it. So while this Electromagnetic Spectrum Whiskey Glass isn’t just for engineers, it is certainly a gift that will be appreciated for the science-lover in your life. If you really want to add some zhuzh to your gift, include their favorite type of whiskey as well. Cheers!
Engineering The Perfect Gift
There ya have it, a breakdown of our favorite gifts for electrical engineers. Our commitment to providing a wide range of options ensures that you can find that ideal gift with just a few clicks (and if not, we can always choose the gift for you with our Engineering Mystery Field Pack.)
At Cognitive Surplus, we are dedicated to offering an impressive selection of cleverly designed and environmentally sustainable gifts tailored to the tastes of math and science aficionados everywhere. So, next time you're seeking a gift that speaks to the heart of the engineer in your life, remember that Cognitive Surplus is your go-to destination. We believe that the best gifts are the ones that resonate with the recipient on a deeper level, and our carefully curated collection reflects that belief. Simple as that. No matter how niche or demanding their interests–or careers– may be, we've got you covered!
- Tags: Gift Guides